Monday, 4 November 2013

Welcome Back...

It has been far, far too long since I have written anything. I put it down to pure laziness and an apathy I'd developed towards something I used to love so much. I don't truly believe that anymore.

2012 and 2013 for me have been two very eventful years of my life that have moulded and tested me in so many ways that I never believed possible. 

2012 was full of highs and lows. I had my heart broken and felt so lost I didn't know how and when I'd become me again. Writing seems like a suitable channel for that emotion but I think being connected with something I loved was too difficult.The complicated situation made every aspect of my life difficult. I'm proud of how far I've come since then.

2013 has been brilliant. An inevitable rocky start but it's been a year of amazing experiences that I will never forget. I truly value the strength of the friendships I have. I am in a place where life is comfortable and I know where I want to be next year. 

I have started reading again and seriously watching films like I used to. I have found and read my blog again and it is sparking my want to start writing.

This may be all I can muster for one evening, but watch this space. 

I'm coming back!!


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