Tuesday, 2 August 2011

(500) Days of Summer

Wow. What a very intelligent film. What I was expecting from 500 Days of Summer was a great, entertaining romantic comedy, however what I got was so much more. As it stresses at the start of the film, this is not your average romantic comedy, which in my opinion is so God damn refreshing to hear.

In short, the story follows our protagonist Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and the 500 days that follow after meeting Summer (Zooey Deschanel), a girl who is amazing in every way but doesn't believe in relationships.

This film is incredibly charming. The script is extremely well written and delivers a very engaging premise full of wit and an amazing demonstration of character development. Director Marc Webb has definitely gained my attention. It's a shame his filmography is very sparse, but he demonstrates great promise to his future productions. His direction is incredibly unique and quirky. He manages to fully project the tone the script presents, keeping the stories uniqueness apparent.

The whole film is greatly complimented by the support of solid actors. Zooey Deschanel is amazing in her portrayal of the character Summer and manages to radiate the special qualities Tom sees in her. She is quirky but likeable. Joseph Gordon-Levitt steals the show though. He is definitely the right choice for this role and really demonstrates why we should respect him as an actor. The anguish and raw emotion that is poured into his character is so believable and incredibly touching. He creates a very empathic character, which I believe should greatly be credited towards the charm of the film.

The soundtrack to this is perfect. It suits the tone of the film incredibly well, allowing it to stand out as the quirky romantic comedy it is. The choice of artists that are used follow the mainstream Indie scene, which gives a gentle nod in the direction of Summer's character and how she differs from the pop-culture sheep.

This film is artistic in a subtle and intelligent way. Every component in this film has been produced just right. I was incredibly impressed with how good this film was and how great a job Marc Webb has done. I would highly recommend this film. For me it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster but one that I enjoyed every minute of. It was highly engaging and very heart-touching. A firm favourite. 10/10

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